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Cheap Responsive Web Design For All Devices

Amazing designs at every size

Responsive Websites are the latest way to make sure your website looks perfect on every device. Before the explosion of smart phones and tablet devices, consumers would use their desktop computer to view your website. But today, more then ever, internet traffic is moving from the desktop computer to mobile and hand held devices. With a huge amount of devices, each with a different screen size, how does your website look perfect on each of them?


This is where Responsive Websites come in, as the name suggest, the website "responds" to the device it's being viewed on. Rearranging itself for the optimum layout for the current device. Ensuring that no matter what, you're website is always accessible.

Update one update all

Responsive Websites are even easier to maintain then ever. Instead of having two separate websites, one for the desktop, and one for mobile devices, forcing you to update two separate websites, literally double the work, you can now edit your website once, and that's it. Freeing you up to focus on running your business.

Mobile call to action buttons

When the website is loaded on a mobile device, special call to action buttons are displayed. These buttons are a 'Call Us' button which automatically dials your phone number, an 'Enquire' button to send you an email using the FREE included Enquiry Form, and a 'Find Us' button to open up your location in Google Maps, all these buttons are designed to connect you to your potential customer as quick as possible.

Online shopping on all platforms

Today more and more business is shifting from traditional bricks and mortar stores, to online, digital stores. More then ever it is critical your business capitalizes on this rapidly expanding marketplace. If your online store isn't optimized for mobile and tablet devices, visitors will be forced to use the full version of your website on their small devices, increasing chances that they will leave for a business with a fully responsive website. Get on top of your online presence, and get a Responsive Shopping Cart.